Fact Checking Policy

The City Headlines  (hereinafter referred to as “TCH”/ “The City Headlines”/ “We” / “Us” / “Our”) would like to inform you about the caution we take to ensure and maintain the accuracy of our content on all our platforms. Everything is addressed in our Fact-Checking Policy.

For a journalistic platform, providing accurate and real information to its audience is essential. Credibility and reliability can only be sustained through accurate and fair reporting.

With “due accuracy” we provide all the content to our audience on our different platforms. ‘Due accuracy’ is that accuracy is not just of the requisite standard but also satisfactory in essence.

Also, considering the nature of the information and the news being provided, we do the fact check differently. Our aim has always been to provide information to our users, which is real, accurate and unbiased.

In a news piece, we investigate all the claims with scepticism. We question the assumptions and consider both sides of the coin. We never report just one side of the story and always tell the story from different angles.

The City Headlines’ focus has always been to acknowledge all the areas of uncertainty and do a thorough fact check before publishing or posting anything on our platforms.

The reports, content, and videos that our journalists make, undergo a thorough fact-check and audit on multiple levels. As per the seniority level in our team, all the content is thoroughly checked and published before being published and posted.

Without strong evidence, and confirmation from authority sources, we do not publish any of our content. In case of a lack of direct sources in our news stories, we attribute it to the platforms where it is sourced. We always give due credit to the source of information and also, do a thorough fact check on our own. With just public claims and allegations, we do not continue with the news stories.

The City Headlines never consciously misinform anyone. Also, we do not tweak any information on our platforms. Any kind of made-up information is not represented as factual content.  In fact, we always avoid such made-up claims and allegations.

When it comes to crime news, we never publish and post our news stories without collecting information from the investigating police officers. Other than that, if we do the news stories related to any government department i.e. directly or indirectly related to the general public, we verify all the information from the concerned government authorities.

Scrutiny on multiple-levels

At The City Headlines, all the content undergoes scrutiny on multiple levels. The stories undergo a robust fact-check which is done by our team of professional editors. Everyone in our team comes from a hardcore journalistic background and are Journalism and Mass Communication degree holders.

This is how we source our information

Our focus has always been to source the information we provide in the most accurate way.

The City Headlines follow a set of strict guidelines to source the information.

The  City Headlines always verify each and every piece of information with at least two authority sources.

We focus on collecting research-based evidence in every case.

If there are chances of our data not leading to accurate information, we always convey the inconsistencies to the audience.

Our audience can easily access the seniors heading the newsroom at The City Headlines if they have any dilemmas.